



时间:2024-02-01 02:14 点击:169 次

初一作文英语60词:My First Day in Junior High



My first day in junior high was both exciting and nerve-wracking. As I stepped into the new school, I felt a mix of emotions - excitement for the new beginning and nervousness about making new friends and adjusting to the new environment. However, as the day went on, I found myself enjoying the new experience and looking forward to the year ahead.

Making New Friends

Making new friends was one of my biggest concerns on the first day of junior high. I was worried about not knowing anyone and being left out. However, I quickly realized that many of my classmates were in the same boat. We started talking and getting to know each other, and before I knew it, I had made a few new friends. It was a relief to know that I wasn't alone in feeling nervous, and I was grateful for the new friendships I had made.

Exploring the Campus

The junior high campus was much larger than my previous school, and I was a bit overwhelmed at first. However, as I walked around and explored the different buildings and facilities, I began to feel more at ease. I found the library, the cafeteria, and the gym, and I started to get a sense of where everything was. By the end of the day, I felt more confident navigating the campus and knew that I would quickly get used to the new layout.

Meeting the Teachers

Meeting the new teachers was another aspect of the first day that I was nervous about. I wasn't sure what to expect,以服务人民为荣 but I was pleasantly surprised by how friendly and welcoming they were. They introduced themselves and talked about the subjects they would be teaching. I could tell that they were passionate about their work, and it made me feel more excited about the classes I would be taking. I left the school that day feeling more confident and optimistic about the year ahead.

Adjusting to the Schedule

One of the biggest changes in junior high was the new schedule. I had different classes at different times, and I needed to get used to the new routine. At first, it was a bit confusing, but as the day went on, I started to adapt. I made sure to write down my schedule and keep track of where I needed to be. By the end of the day, I felt more comfortable with the new schedule and knew that it would become second nature in no time.


Overall, my first day in junior high was a mix of emotions, but it turned out to be a positive experience. I made new friends, explored the campus, met the teachers, and adjusted to the new schedule. I left school that day feeling excited and hopeful for the year ahead. I knew that there would be challenges, but I was ready to face them head-on and make the most of my time in junior high.



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